Friday, May 18, 2012

where it comes from..

One of the objectives of this blog is to inspire you to express... Me, I am already inspired.  I had a conversation with a friend.  I talked about this new blog and my commitment to write. I sat down and put some ideas on a mind map and as I was explaining, she told me " it looks like a project!" and I said "it is a project, in a way" and I have to finish it on a certain deadline.  We talked about it and I realized that it was not me talking.  It was my bloody saboteur, a new ugly one that looks as if he is knowledgeable enough to dictate to me what I should write and how I should write it. 

In my other blog, I talked about saboteurs, so I am just gonna hint on it: those silly logical voices in your head that do their best to preserve the status quo.. and you would think that this saboteur is trying to help right? I mean pushing me to write in a systematic and organized way according to a certain plan and meeting a stupid deadline??

"you write articles.. some are really good.. the ones I do not like very much are the ones you said you force yourself to write them". 

"well, yeah.. I remember". "The ones that get the higher views are those that take a piece of me.. a charge of me when they come out.. but in which I also use my brains a little.."

She then continued " you can write a book and meet a deadline.. but it can come flat.. not nice are writing this book for yourself.. you are writing it because you want to write it..if you are writing for a deadline.. it might not turn the way you want"

"SHHH.. " I said. something was stirring inside of me...I was trying to catch it and see how it looks like, it was a bit indecipherable at the moment, but my friend kept talking "SHHH" I said again..and then it came "When we talk or act.. it depends on where this act is coming from.. so if we are talking from a place of love or authority or apology, it shows and it impacts accordingly others, even if it is the same words" I said.  " so, may be.. I should.. (Oh this damn saboteur should again) .. May be I can create it out of a place of forgiving where there are no "shoulds", no pressure to publish, no timeline that is suffocating but only guiding.. a place of loving.. but loving what or who?... people.. myself.. "
"and life.. and the joie de vivre" she continued.."and I see it as a sort of funny.. your way of funny"

And gradually, the pressure was gone.. and I feel like writing for fun.. for me.. for people to be happy.. for the baby (metaphorically speaking :)  inside of me who will not come to the world crying but rather giggling and making soft funny noises..

It is now more of a place of greenery... trees...soft breeze..little flowers.... this is where I am creating the book from: my heart!

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